
Beauty enthusiasts have spoken - this is the most loved mascara color this spring

Brown mascara is this spring's secret hit that everyone is wearing but no one is talking about

by Kristina Mikulić Gazdović

February 27, 2024

When I recently shared my newfound love for brown mascara on Instagram, I was shocked by the number of people who told me they also exclusively use brown mascara. We then started discussing brown mascara; why they love it, what makes it different, and most importantly – why had they been silent about it until now? Suddenly, it seemed like everyone was wearing brown mascara, but it was like a secret that wasn’t supposed to be discussed. As we don’t support gatekeeping here, I’m revealing why you should try brown mascara this spring.

The uniqueness of brown mascara

Although I could drown in beauty products, for my daily look, I choose as natural an appearance as possible. Part of this comes from not having the time for a full glam every day, and partly because I’m actually quite pleased with my appearance. But I have to wear mascara. Having very light lashes, without mascara, I look pale to myself. The reason brown mascara has captivated me this spring is the natural look it provides. As the color is not as intense, eyelashes covered in brown mascara look more natural, and the entire look is very subtle, yet better.