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Vogue Adria held a magical Summer Soirée evening in Paris

Vogue Adria

July 25, 2024

When we thought that we would not experience again the emotions we experienced at the event in Belgrade with which we launched Vogue Adria, yesterday’s event in Paris, already with its first minutes, dissuaded us. Celebrating the sports days ahead, which are synonymous with togetherness and a reminder that play is an important concept for every part of our lives, and our summer double number, Vogue Adria hosted guests at one of the most beautiful locations in Paris. Jelena and Novak Djokovic, as the official hosts of the event, did their best to make this evening one that everyone will remember with a smile on their face.

The Grand Jardin, the enchanting and timeless garden of the iconic Parisian hotel Ritz, located on the Place Vendome, one of the most architecturally beautiful squares in Paris, and hosting some of the world’s most important events for more than a century, hosted Vogue Adria guests for the first time and proved itself once again as a magical location to spend a summer evening. With the musical backdrop of a jazz band, the guests enjoyed sensational bites designed by some of the world’s top chefs, who turned fine dining into a one-bite experience with creamy parmigiano risotto and strawberry cake.

Just before sunset, Novak and Jelena gave greetings and expressed their gratitude to Vogue Adria and Anna Wintour for gathering so many sports enthusiasts; and editor-in-chief Milan Djacic then thanked all the guests for taking the time to celebrate the summer edition of Vogue Adria and the partners of the evening Lacoste, AlixPartners and ASKO. To experience just a fraction of the atmosphere, see the photos below.