Najbolj vznemirljivi in najbolj smešni trenutki podelitve nagrad Emmy
Tena Razumović Žmara
16 septembra, 2024
Tena Razumović Žmara
16 septembra, 2024
Potem ko je bila lanska slovesnost prestavljena na januar 2024, zaradi stavk SAG in WGA, se je podelitev nagrad emmy vrnila na svoj redni spored ta konec tedna, s 76. izdajo, ki je potekala v gledališču Peacock v Los Angelesu v nedeljo, 15. septembra. Voditelja podelitve sta bila oče in sin, Eugene in Dan Levy, najljubša obraza serije Shitt’s Creek. Njuna naloga ni bila lahka, a kdor ju je predlagal ali razmišljal o izvedbi tovrstne slovesnosti, je vedel kaj počne. Njun nastop in režija sta bila brezhibna, z dobro odmerjenimi šalami v pravih trenutkih.
Vedelo se je, kako se nominiranci uvrščajo v svojih kategorijah oziroma če sploh vodijo; serija Shōgun je vodila s 25 skupnimi nominacijami, vključno s 17 v kategorijah ustvarjalnih umetnosti (od tega je osvojila 14 nominacij), serija The Bear je sledila s 23 nominacijami (zmagala je v 7 od svojih 14 nominacij v kategorijah ustvarjalnih umetnosti, vključno z eno za Izjemno Gostujočo vlogo Jamie Lee Curtis v epizodi druge sezone Fishes), medtem ko je imela serija Only Murders in the Building 21 nominacij (osvojila je 3 od 15 nagrad na Creative Arts slovesnosti). Kljub temu, če je nekaj zagotovo na velikih, hollywoodskih podelitvah nagrad, je to, da bo prišlo vsaj do malce nagajivega kaosa. Tokratna podelitev, kar se tega tiče, ni razočarala.
Oče televizijske komedije Lorne Michaels, človek, ki ga ni mogoče presenetiti (mnogi so poskušali, neuspešno), je moral biti sinoči vsaj malo presenečen, in to prijetno. Zbrali so se alumni SNL-a; Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig, Bowen Yang in Seth Meyers, njihova šaljiva posvetitev izgubam (in kar nekaj zmagam) ustvarjalca Saturday Night Livea Lorna Michaela je bila videti kot eden najboljših skečev iz SNL-a. Bowen Yang je bil odličen v skeču, kjer je bilo jasno, da je mislil, da je Michaelu ime Lauren. Enostavno in briljantno.
Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Spontani poklon Johna Oliverja svojemu psu, ki ga ni dokončal, kot bi bilo treba, ampak se je končal tako, da so ga odvlekli z odra, medtem ko je vsem psom vzklikal pohvalne besede, je gotovo nasmejal marsikoga in sprožil spontano pasje praskanje in objemanje psov v gospodinjstvih po vsem svetu.
Richard Gadd je imel ob prevzemu nagrade za TV serijo Baby Reindeer pomemben govor, iz katerega izpostavljam: Pred desetimi leti sem bil na dnu. Nikoli si nisem mislil, da bom ozdravel… In zdaj, več kot desetletje kasneje, domov odnesem eno največjih televizijskih nagrad za scenarij. (…) Če se borite, nadaljujte, nadaljujte in obljubim vam, da bo vse v redu.
Nicola Coughlan je na obredu preprosto blestela, kamera pa ji je pogosto sledila in in jo izpostavila v množici zvezdnikov. S svojim nastopom, tokrat v srebrni obleki, je znova pokazala in dokazala svoj zvezdniški, televizijski status.
Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Catherine O’Hara kot Moira Rose, skupaj z zbrano ekipo serije Schitt’s Creek, je na odru podelitve nagrad, medtem ko je v svoji vlogi podeljevala nagrado, ponudila izjemno igralsko predstavo sama po sebi. In smešno. Kako odlična komedijantka je ta igralka, je to dokazal ta kratek trenutek. Nagrado za najboljšo humoristično serijo je podelila seriji Hacks, njen nastop pa se je zdel del nagrade same.
Za konec vrhuncev izpostavljam tistega z igralko Sawai, prvo azijsko – japonsko igralko, ki je osvojila prestižno nagrado emmy za glavno igralko v dramski seriji za svojo igro v seriji Shōgun, ko je imela ganljiv in premišljen zahvalni govor, zahvala svoji soigralki in tudi dobitnici emmyja Hiroyuki Sanada, ki je, kot je sama rekla: Še naprej odpirala vrata za ljudi, kot sem jaz.
Photo: Leon Bennett/WireImage
Kdo je še prejel nagrado in v katerih kategorijah, preberite v nadaljevanju.
The Crown
The Gilded Age
The Morning Show
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Slow Horses
3 Body Problem
Abbott Elementary
The Bear
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Only Murders in the Building
Palm Royale
Reservation Dogs
What We Do in the Shadows
Baby Reindeer
Lessons in Chemistry
True Detective: Night Country
Jennifer Aniston, The Morning Show
Carrie Coon, The Gilded Age
Maya Erskine, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Anna Sawai, Shogun
Imelda Staunton, The Crown
Reese Witherspoon, The Morning Show
Idris Elba, Hijack
Donald Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Walton Goggins, Fallout
Gary Oldman, Slow Horses
Hiroyuki Sanada, Shogun
Dominic West, The Crown
Quinta Brunson, Abbott Elementary
Ayo Edebiri, The Bear
Selena Gomez, Only Murders in the Building
Maya Rudolph, Loot
Jean Smart, Hacks
Kristen Wiig, Palm Royale
Matt Berry, What We Do in the Shadows
Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm
Steve Martin, Only Murders in the Building
Martin Short, Only Murders in the Building
Jeremy Allen White, The Bear
D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, Reservation Dogs
Jodie Foster, True Detective: Night Country
Brie Larson, Lessons in Chemistry
Juno Temple, Fargo
Sofia Vergara, Griselda
Naomi Watts, Feud: Capote vs. the Swans
Matt Bomer, Fellow Travelers
Richard Gadd, Baby Reindeer
Jon Hamm, Fargo
Tom Hollander, Feud: Capote vs. the Swans
Andrew Scott, Ripley
Michaela Coel, Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Claire Foy, The Crown
Marcia Gay Harden, The Morning Show
Sarah Paulson, Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Parker Posey, Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Néstor Carbonell, Shōgun
Paul Dano, Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Tracy Letts, Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty
Jonathan Pryce, Slow Horses
John Turturro, Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Olivia Colman, The Bear
Jamie Lee Curtis, The Bear
Kaitlin Olson, Hacks
Da’Vine Joy Randolph, Only Murders In The Building
Maya Rudolph, Saturday Night Live
Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live
Jon Bernthal, The Bear
Matthew Broderick, Only Murders In The Building
Ryan Gosling, Saturday Night Live
Christopher Lloyd, Hacks
Bob Odenkirk, The Bear
Will Poulter, The Bear
Michaela Coel, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Claire Foy, The Crown
Marcia Gay Harden, The Morning Show
Sarah Paulson, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Parker Posey, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Néstor Carbonell, Shōgun
Paul Dano, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Tracy Letts, Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty
Jonathan Pryce, Slow Horses
John Turturro, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Olivia Colman, The Bear
Kaitlin Olson, Hacks
Jamie Lee Curtis, The Bear
Maya Rudolph, Saturday Night Live
Da’Vine Joy Randolph, Only Murders in the Building
Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live
Jon Bernthal, The Bear
Matthew Broderick, Only Murders in the Building
Ryan Gosling, Saturday Night Live
Christopher Lloyd, Hacks
Bob Odenkirk, The Bear
Will Poulter, The Bear
The Daily Show
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Late Night with Seth Meyers
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver
Saturday Night Live
The Amazing Race
RuPaul’s Drag Race
Top Chef
The Traitors
The Voice
RuPaul Charles, RuPaul’s Drag Race
Alan Cumming, The Traitors
Kristen Kish, Top Chef
Jeff Probst, Survivor
Mark Cuban, Lori Greiner, Kevin O’Leary, Barbara Corcoran, Robert Herjavec in Daymond John, Shark Tank
Blue Eye Samurai
Bob’s Burgers
Scavengers Reign
The Simpsons
X-Men ’97
Mr. Monk’s Last Case
Quiz Lady
Red, White and Royal Blue
Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story
Jim Henson Idea Man
The Greatest Night in Pop
STEVE! (Martin) a documentary in 2 pieces
Albert Brooks: Defending My Life
Girls State
The Jinx — Part Two
STAX: Soulsville U.S.A.
Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of TV
Stephen Daldry, “Sleep, Dearie Sleep,” The Crown
Mimi Leder, “The Overview Effect,” The Morning Show
Hiro Murai, “First Date,” Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Frederick E.O. Toye, “Chapter Nine: Crimson Sky,” Shо̄gun
Saul Metzstein, “Strange Games,” Slow Horses
Salli Richardson-Whitfield, “Beat L.A.,” Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty
Randall Einhorn, “Party,” Abbott Elementary
Christopher Storer, “Fishes,” The Bear
Ramy Youssef, “Honeydew,” The Bear
Guy Ritchie, “Refined Aggression,” The Gentlemen
Lucia Aniello, “Bulletproof,” Hacks
Mary Lou Belli, “I’m The Pappy,” The Ms. Pat Show
Weronika Tofilska, “Episode 4,” Baby Reindeer
Noah Hawley, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Fargo
Gus Van Sant, “Pilot,” Feud: Capote vs. the Swans
Millicent Shelton, “Poirot,” Lessons in Chemistry
Steven Zaillian, Ripley
Issa López, True Detective: Night Country
Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs in Jen Statsky, »Bulletproof«, Hacks
Jake Bender and Zach Dunn, “Pride Parade,” What We Do in the Shadows
Quinta Brunson, “Career Day,” Abbott Elementary
Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider, “Brooke Hosts A Night Of Undeniable Good,” The Other Two
Meredith Scardino in Sam Means, “Orlando,” Girls5eva
Christopher Storer and Joanna Carlo, “Fishes,” The Bear
Rachel Kondo and Caillin Puente, “Anjin,” Shōgun
Peter Morgan and Meriel Sheibani-Clare, “Ritz,” The Crown
Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner, “The End,” Fallout
Francesca Sloane and Donald Glover, “First Date,” Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Will Smith, “Negotiating With Tigers,” Slow Horses
Charlie Brooker, “Joan Is Awful,” Black Mirror
Richard Gadd, Baby Reindeer
Noah Hawley, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Fargo
Issa López, “Part 6,” True Detective: Night Country
Ron Nyswaner, “You’re Wonderful,” Fellow Travelers
Steven Zaillian, Ripley
The Daily Show
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Saturday Night Live
The Oscars
Mike Birbiglia, Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man and the Pool
John Early, Now More Than Ever
Alex Edelman, Just for Us
Jacqueline Novak, Get On Your Knees