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Blue wedding dress Vogue April 15, 1940

Milena pavlovic barili

Milena Pavlovic Barili

Vogue Adria

March 4, 2024

More than eight decades have passed since the cover of the April issue of American Vogue from 1940 featured the work of artist Milena Pavlović Barili. It was the first time in the history of this magazine that a woman from our area received such great recognition thanks to her work. Milena is remembered for her exceptional pictures, but the illustrations she did for Vogue magazine stand out in her oeuvre and are considered an equally high-quality and important part of her creativity.

Born in 1909 in Požarevac, her curiosity and need to explore artistic and life challenges led her around the world. Right before the start of the war, in 1939, she arrived in the United States of America and quickly became involved in the New York cultural and artistic milieu. She portrayed people all over the world through her fashion illustrations and often returned home to portray her mother and father. Milena Pavlović Barili was a visionary and pioneer of her age, boldly combining Balkan tradition with European influences. Her appearance on the cover of Vogue magazine symbolized the opening of the door to the women of the region on the international stage. Besides the fact that the 1940 cover can be seen as a kind of turning point, it also symbolizes the importance of global intercultural dialogue.

Warm pink with cool gray, Vogue, January 15, 1940.

Warm pink with cool gray, Vogue, January 15, 1940.

Fast forward to March 2024 and we’re on the front page of the regional Vogue issue. Nataša Vojnović, a legendary phenomenon not only of the regional but also of the world fashion scene, who has been on the cover of various Vogue magazines several times, is on the first regional edition. The time that separates this cover and the one with illustrations by Milena Pavlović Barili testifies to the changes in society, fashion, and art that took place in the intervening period. On the other hand, Nataša Vojnović, with her presence on the cover, not only reflects the evolution of fashion and beauty through the decades but also continues the metaphorical legacy that Barili set with her creativity. They share courage, creativity, and exceptionalism, which each person embodies in their way.

Illustration for a hat design, Vogue, March 15, 1941.

Illustration for a hat design, Vogue, March 15, 1941.

Recalling the cover of American Vogue is not only a tribute to the past but also a reminder that the art of this region has deep roots. This metaphorical connection between two exceptional women, separated by time, but united through art and fashion, creates a picture of the continuity and evolution of female creativity in our area. If we could imagine a moment when Milena Pavlović Barili, creating her illustrations, would think about the future and the first steps of Vogue Adria, we believe she would be proud.

Plave,zagasite i tamne tkanine,Vog,15.jul 1940-

Blue, dull and dark fabrics, Vogue, July 15, 1940

* You can see the works of Milena Pavlović Barila in the Gallery of Milena Pavlović Barila in Požarevac, which was established as a sign of gratitude and memory of her and her creativity.